Chain of Command

Troop Chairman: Gilles Lanctos

Scoutmaster: Joe Dargon

Assistant Scoutmaster: Jim Bleakney

Cub Scoutmaster: Shane Robert

Senior Patrol Leader: Josh Powell

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader: Geoff Frost

Patrol Leader: Jake Powell

Patrol Leader: Ryan Hruby

Troop Guide: Jordan Bleakney

Scribe: Ty Hruby

Quartermaster: Ben Powell


A Little More About Us...

We are Troop 34 from Frankfort, but we call ourselves the Waldo Mountain Boys, since we have Waldo Mountain right in our back yard! As a troop we do at least one activity per mounth. We try to keep our scouts active, without overloading them. We ask the scouts what they would like to do, and build our plan for the year around that. We had a great year this year and we look forward to many more!!